Coffee Break version history
version 3.0.1
- fixed bug with messy timer display during sleep with Invis Sleep on and a sleep time value of 10 or greater
- fixed crashing bug when attempting to snooze twice in one work session
- cleaned up handling of background notifications
version 3.0
- added floating timer window
- completely reworked preferences file -- new preferences files are incompatible with older versions of Coffee Break, so be careful!
- fixed bug that allowed other apps to come to the front during sleep
- added Helper, Hot Key, and Timer Click option sections
- modified on-line help display method
- made Options dialog modeless (you can switch to other apps with the
Options dialog open)
- timer no longer pauses when Coffee Break is in the front
Known problems
The following bugs have not been reported to me, I've just found them myself. They seem to be a bit rare. Fortunately, they're not serious. I'll keep working on them and release an updater as soon as they're fixed.
- Moving the mouse into the pause corner sometimes (rarely) pauses the timer, but the timer will never reset.
- After leaving Coffee Break running for a full day, the picture no longer moves during sleep.
version 2.1.2
- fixed bug with playing wake up sound on PowerMacs
version 2.1.1
- fixed bug that caused crashes on PowerMacs running AfterDark 2.0x or better or Basic Black
version 2.1
- added Pause Corner feature
- fixed potential bug with AppleEvent support
- made Coffee Break a "fat binary" (it will run native on either a PowerMac or a 68K Mac)
- added balloon help to Options dialog
- moved "Show time window" menu item into Options dialog (as "Show Timer" item)
- removed "Timer in sleep" option (timer is now always on)
- added "Finder to front" option
- added better handling of low-memory situations
- fixed bug with picture not showing during sleep on some multiple monitor configurations
Known buglet:
Coffee Break doesn't always catch keystrokes to start the timer again when the cursor is in the pause corner. This will be fixed in the next version, when I implement a floating timer window. For technical reasons, I can't do it at the moment, but wanted to get this out to folks anyway.
version 2.0
- can now move timer window to a monitor other than the main monitor
- all monitors are now blanked during sleep time
- added Invisible Sleep feature (allows you to continue to read on-line documentation during sleep)
- new and improved Options dialog
- changed on-line help. CB now uses the freeware help server, Help on Wheels, to display help. You can also use the Help key or the Cmd-? keys to get help any time.
- if you pause by bringing CB to the front, it now acts just like a screen saver pause. (The timer will reset if CB remains paused longer than the current sleep time setting.)
- new icon
- unusable options in Options dialog are now dimmed rather than hidden
- added Sleep Now option
- moved saved preferences out of the application's resource file and into the Coffee Break Preferences file in the Preferences folder
- removed SAVR Gestalts. (This is probably not important to you unless you're a programmer.) They will be put back eventually, I just have to figure out how to get them working more reliably.
- added snooze capability
Bug fixes
- now gives time to background tasks during sleep
- fixed problem with entering incorrect data in Options dialog
- fixed problem with timer getting messed up if the screen saver came on with Coffee Break in the front. (Only happened if "Pause when saver on" option turned on.)
- fixed bug that allowed entering zero times in Options
- fixed all known memory leaks
version 1.1
Fixed a couple bugs that caused the program to crash on some machines (I never did figure out why this didn't crash for me and my beta testers!)
- fixed problem with mouse clicks occaisionally going "through" to the apps below when ending sleep time
- added feature to allow users to press a key as well as clicking the mouse to end sleep time
- improved placement of dialogs on larger screens
- fixed problem with notification icon continuing to flash after bypassing sleep time thru a long pause
- separated the two sound options
version 1.0
Initial release